How Does Document Scanning Work?

Ten Steps to Document Scanning Services

1: Test Box

Image Integrator will visit you where your records are located and take inventory of what you need scanned. We then prefer to take a "Test Box" back to our facility, where we will review the documents with our team and develop our strategy for executing the project according to your needs.

2: Document Prep

Our team of Document Preppers will prepare your documents one at a time, removing all staples, paperclips, bindings, etc in order to get the documents ready to be scanned. For some projects, this may include sorting the documents by different Divider types (if applicable for your storage platform).

3: Document Scanning

Our team of Scanner Operators will run your documents through our high capacity scanning equipment one file at a time, being sure to capture every image at the highest possible quality. Our Supervisor team will quality control each image and make any necessary adjustments, cropping, rotating, deletion of blank images, and/or rescans.

4: Document Indexing

A skilled Indexing team member will "index" (manually enter all necessary data to name your documents) in the format necessary to the project's specifications. Our Supervisor team will quality control the accuracy of this data entry before delivering the images to the customer either by uploading them into the necessary platform or delivering the completed documents via the customer's preferred method.

5: Test Box Review

Once the test box is fully completed, a member of our sales/management team will review the documents with you in order to determine if the test was ideal, if changes must be made, and/or establish a price estimate for the entirety of the project. For FileBound users/potential users this will include showing your documents online as you would in FileBound, and demonstrating the capabilities of the program.

6: Project Execution

After the test box has been completed and you have decided to move forward with the full or partial project, Image Integrator will develop a price plan based on the data collected from the test box. For NYSID projects, Image Integrator will prepare all necessary documents and issue them to NYSID, who will then issue a formal contract request to you or your local BOCES. Once Image Integrator receives a purchase order for your project, we can begin.

7: Document Storage

Many new Image Integrator customers are uncomfortable with destroying their records after the project is completed while they adjust to the online platform the records have been moved to. We understand this, which is why we offer the option of record storage. At the completion of the project, we will issue a quote for 1 year of storage based on the quantity of boxes. This timeframe is adjustable. The records will be labeled for storage and moved upstairs to one of our storage rooms for safe keeping. This storage is renewable for as long as you want them kept, though storage prices may change from year to year.

8: Document Destruction

Customers who are comfortable with destroying their records after completion, or after a period of storage, will be issued a Destruction Notice, including a list of all records due to be destroyed. Only after receiving signed consent from the customer are documents committed to destruction. Image Integrator staff takes care to ensure that only the exact boxes listed on the destruction notice are disposed of.

9: Record Return

If you do not wish to store or destroy your records, Image Integrator will return the documents to you. Any charges for document destruction that were applied on your bills will instead contribute to the transportation fee of the document return. Records can be picked up by the customer at no charge

10: LGRMIF Grants!

Each year Image Integrator assists dozens of schools in applying for a LGRMIF grant. What is the LGRMIF grant? Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund. This grant allows schools, towns, villages, and other local governments to apply for funding in order to meet necessary archiving standards for the state of New York. As a NYSID vendor, Image Integrator takes the initiative to assist in the application process, providing pricing estimates and a detailed scope of work to be included in your application. Learn more about the LGRMIF grant by visiting our Grants page.

See below to read more about the types of projects we execute on a daily basis, including but not limited to...


Student Records

Possibly our most popular project of all time, having your student records accessible at your fingertips has proven an invaluable tool to the dozens of school districts we serve.

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the student you're looking for with a simple computer search of Last Name, First Name, and/or Date of Birth.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: Cumulative, Transcripts, Registration, and Health.


Payroll records are absolutely vital to all of our districts. Whether it be white paper or greenbar reports, earning reports or payroll registers, we handle it all. These records are pivotal in establishing retirement for former employees, and in most cases are kept for up to 55 years. After 55 years, you'll find yourself completely overwhelmed with paper documents. That's why digitization is the fastest and easiest way to go!

Using one of your preferred easy-access database, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the file you're looking for with a simple computer search by Payroll Date, Pay Period, and/or Year.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: Payroll Registers, Civil Service, and/or Earning Reports.

Human Resources

Human Resources documents available right on your computer in seconds; what could be better?! Your HR department has enough to deal with, trying to find a single employee's W-2 in a cabinet filled with hundreds of employees doesn't need to be one of them.

Using one of your preferred easy-access database, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the employee you're looking for with a simple computer search of Last Name, First Name, and/or Last 4 SSN.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: Cumulative HR, Evaluations, W-2s, Payroll, Certifications, Disciplinary, and more.

Accounts Payable

Keeping track of all of a schools funding is not an easy task, but Image Integrator can make it easier by turning your paper trail of spending into an easily organized digital account of all Invoices, Purchase Orders, Vendors, and Checks all in one easy to find file.

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the file you're looking for with a simple computer search of Check Number, Vendor Name, Purchase Order Number, and Check Date.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: Accounts Payable, and Electronic Transactions.

Special Education

Very few records are as important to retain as Special Education. As a document type with a long retention period, putting these voluminous records into a digital format will cut down on retrieval time (and energy).

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the student you're looking for with a simple computer search of Last Name, First Name, and/or Date of Birth.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: IEPs, Evaluations, OT/PT, Speech, Progress Reports, and Correspondences.

Capital Projects

Sure, we can scan your boxed documents, but can we scan oversized maps and drawings? Oversized documents can be difficult to manage, but not for us at Image Integrator. Using our 35mm overhead camera we're able to capture these oversized maps, drawings, newspapers and more for digitization. 

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the project you're looking for with a simple computer search of Project Name, Year, Location, and/or Date.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: Oversized Drawings, Capital Documents.

Board of Education

This document type is subject to PERMANENT retention according to the LGS-1 archiving standard for the state of New York. That adds up to a lot of documents being stored in perpetuity. Make room to grow by digitizing those board meeting documents instead!

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the meeting you're looking for with a simple computer search of Meeting Date and Year.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project include: Meeting Minutes and Supplementals.

Student Health

This project is most commonly seen as a subproject of Student Records. While the retention period is not high for this document type, it may still be incredibly useful to be able to find these files with a quick search.

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the student you're looking for with a simple computer search of Last Name, First Name, and/or Date of Birth.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. This project is commonly inserted into a "Health" divider in an existing Student Records project, or else as it's own project with a Student Health divider.

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education and Special Education are especially vital. The retention requirements for these records is lengthy,  lasting until the child turns 21 years old. That's a lot of paper to be kept on hand.

Using one of our easy-access databases, such as FileBound, Docuware, Docushare, OnBase, or simply receiving these files in a PDF format, you'll be able to find the student you're looking for with a simple computer search of Last Name, First Name, and/or Date of Birth.

Further organize your documents in FileBound using Dividers. Common dividers for this project are very much like the school aged special education files, including: IEPs, Evaluations, OT/PT, Speech, Progress Reports, and Correspondences.

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