Did you know that schools and local governments can apply for a LGRMIF grant?
Local Government Records Managment Improvement Funds
Learn more about what we do to help schools apply for
LGRMIF Archive Grants
Each January the New York State Education Department (NYSED) releases updated guidelines for this archives grant. Each local government entity can apply for up to $75,000 in funding. Leading up to the application deadline date Image Integrator commits our time and resources to assisting in this application process for you. As a qualifying vendor through NYSID (the New York State Industries for the Disabled), we will assist you in inventorying all records qualifying for long-term retention and gather project specifications for each document type. We can also introduce you to experienced grant writers to work with you to develop a detailed narrative describing your individual needs.
Once all the necessary project information is gathered, it's provided to our office manager, who has executed price proposals used for dozens of winning grants, and has refined the process according to what the grant board is looking for. This includes detailed pricing estimates, and an even more detailed scope of work, which explains our production process from start to finish. Each of these proposals is customized to the exact specifications each customer requires.
After completing all of the pricing and scope of work, Image Integrator will provide that information to NYSID, who will issue the formal quote to be used in the grant application. We can even help you find an experienced grant writer!